As the very first post in the new year, we would like to share with you this wonderful message that we received from Andie Jeter, granddaughter of Sgt. Glynn G. Raby, a veteran of Company H, 9th Infantry Regiment.

“Hi everyone! My grandfather is Glynn Raby Jr. who was a WWII veteran that turned 97 back on Nov 30th. There were a couple of posts about sending birthday cards to him.And I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! Our family was blown away by the number of y’all who sent cards and had your kids send birthday cards to him.

He received cards from all over the world! Even the pictures of your families and drawings from your kids were so much fun to look through. It was truly incredible.

This picture was taken before his birthday when just a handful had come in. There has been double that or more since then!”
He was so excited to share your cards with us when we arrived!! He keeps the new arrivals in a special stack and when I walk in he says ‘Andie! We have more cards here!’ We have loved seeing how far and wide they have arrived from! Thank you all for reaching out and sending your love!!! It means so much to our family!!”

Our special thanks belong to Andie and Alicia that they keep us informed about their beloved Grandfather Glynn!

We wish all our fans a successful start to the year 2022!!

You can look forward to many news related to men of the 2nd Infantry Division!