Elton, Louisiana
Elton, Louisiana
✭ Normandy Campaign (6 June – 24 July 1944)
Enlisted before the war. Stationed in Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas before being sent to the Northern Ireland in 1943.
He was loving and dutiful husband and father to nine children. Retired from Offshore Oil & Gas industry.
Christopher J. Buller, Son
File Unit: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, ca. 1938 - 1946
(Enlistment Records)
in the Series: World War II Army Enlistment Records,
created 6/1/2002 - 9/30/2002,
documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946.
- Record Group 64
Brief Scope: This series contains records of approximately nine million men and women who enlisted in the United States Army, including the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.