Dallas, Dallas County, Texas
Dallas, Dallas County, Texas
✭ Normandy Campaign (6 June – 24 July 1944), ✭ Northern France Campaign (25 July – 14 September 1944), ✭ Ardennes-Alsace Campaign (16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945), ✭ Rhineland Campaign (15 September 1944 – 21 March 1945)
Samuel J. Fooshee, Jr. was born on October 7, 1919 in Dallas, Texas. S.J., as he was called, was second of four children born to Samuel and Elizabeth Fooshee. He was a football star in high school, but he badly injured his knee one summer which put him out of sports. On November 18, 1940 S.J. voluntarily joined the Army and signed up for the ROTC program at Tarleton State University. After graduation, he was assigned as a 1st Lieutenant to the 2nd Reconnaissance Troop, 2nd Infantry Division at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. His unit landed in Normandy on June 9, 1944 and maintained contacts between Battalions and Regiments of the 2nd ID. 1st Lt. Fooshee led his men on several dozens of reconnaissance and combat patrols from June to December 1944 when his 1st Platoon returned from their last patrol. S.J. was a popular officer among his men. He was full of energy and had a great sense of humor. He was killed in action at the age of 25.
Anne Clayton, Niece
File Unit: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, ca. 1938 - 1946
(Enlistment Records)
in the Series: World War II Army Enlistment Records,
created 6/1/2002 - 9/30/2002,
documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946.
- Record Group 64
Brief Scope: This series contains records of approximately nine million men and women who enlisted in the United States Army, including the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.
Source: 1944 – 1st Lt. Samuel J. Fooshee, a very liked and respected officer of 1st Platoon, 2nd Reconnaissance Troop, 2nd Infantry Division, led 8 men on a reconnaisance of a road net near Elsenborn Ridge. After return from the patrol they all bedded down in the Headquarters building. No one knew this would be the most tragic night of the 2nd Recon Troop. “December 29, 1944: About 03:00 shells were coming over thick and fast… About 03:10 we got a direct hit on our building where HQ and one section of the 1st Platoon were sleeping. It wounded S/Sgt. Maize, Sgt. McCollum, Cpl. Lynch, T/5 McHughes, Pvt. Delisle, Pvt. Gondek and 1st Sgt. Caffery… The ones killed were 1st Lt. Samuel J. Fooshee, 1st Lt. Edward A. Meyers, T/4 Francis F. Anderson, Pfc. Robert M. Fegley, Pfc. Harvey T. Taylor, T/5 Fredie A. Thomas and Pvt. Edward D. Shehorn. That was a blow that can´t be forgotten in a…