Corpus Christi, Texas
Corpus Christi, Texas
✭ Normandy Campaign (6 June – 24 July 1944), ✭ Northern France Campaign (25 July – 14 September 1944), ✭ Ardennes-Alsace Campaign (16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945), ✭ Rhineland Campaign (15 September 1944 – 21 March 1945), ✭ Central Europe Campaign (22 March – 11 May 1945)
🎖Purple Heart, 🎖Good Conduct Medal, 🎖American Campaign Medal, 🎖European–African–Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, 🎖American Defense Service Medal, 🎖WWII Victory Medal, 🎖Distinguished Unit Citation, 🎖Honorable Service Lapel Button, 🎖Combat Infantry Badge, 🎖Bronze Star Medal With "V" Device
Virdes completed a Special Ranger Training Course during his basic training at Camp McCoy. Before D-Day, he was selected to become a member of the so-called Special Engineer Task Force which were intended for the first wave of landings at Omaha Beach. Approximately 150 members of the 2nd Infantry Division with special training were the first to land on Omaha Beach on June 6 as a part of the Assault Teams, Special Engineer Task Force.
Virdes earned his Bronze Star with „V“ for Valor during the Battle of the Bulge near Krinkelt-Rocherath when he managed to bring ammunition under heavy fire. He had bullet holes in his overcoat while running with the ammo.
Virdes Ronald Gordon, Nephew
File Unit: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, ca. 1938 - 1946
(Enlistment Records)
in the Series: World War II Army Enlistment Records,
created 6/1/2002 - 9/30/2002,
documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946.
- Record Group 64
Brief Scope: This series contains records of approximately nine million men and women who enlisted in the United States Army, including the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.